
2023 SET Workshop Exchange Seminar grandly takes the stage


Issue date: November 17, 2023

Issuing unit: International and Cross-strait Sports Division

Unit Contact Person: Huang Hsu-ping

Phone: 02-8771-1850

Media contact person: Huang Hsiao-fen

Phone: 02-8771-1832

The Sports Administration (SA) hosted the 2023 Sport Event Taiwan (SET) Workshop Exchange Seminar today, inviting county and city governments, event organizing units, domestic and foreign experts and scholars, and the Center of Industry Accelerator and Patent Strategy, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (IAPS), sports innovation teams and the Fun Sports Hackathon teams etc. Through topic sharing and exchange discussions, issues such as youth participation in international events and the sports industry, innovative applications and green energy sustainability were explored. This allowed for the accumulation of experience in handling international sports events in Taiwan and a review of the significant results of this year's workshop.

The 2023 SET Workshop has conducted online courses since 2021 due to the pandemic. This year, with "Young & Green" as the main theme, a total of 15 online courses took place from April to August, inviting 65 domestic and international lecturers and 9 cross-field moderators. As of the end of October, it had attracted more than 13,000 views and has accumulated more than 52,000 views over the years. This year’s course content covered student-athlete career planning, sports event carbon footprint inventory, SDGs implement in events, sustainable venue design applications, and more. This year, for the first time, simultaneous sign language interpretation was introduced to discuss the development of deaf youth sports while supporting the implementation and demonstrating a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

In today's seminar, Professor Chen Mei-yan of National Normal University, Professor Chou Yu-hui of the National Taiwan Sports University, and anchor Daria Chin of ELTA Sports channel were invited to review the highlights of this year's courses. In terms of keynote speeches, Krzysztof Kropielnicki, Quantum Consultancy's Head of Insights & Analytics in the UK was invited to talk about the sustainable development of sports events; Iris Cordoba, general manager of Asia Pacific operations of Microsoft Global Sports Innovation Center (GSIC), was invited to talk about technology companies and sports innovation. Peggy Tng, founder of Women in Sport for Empowerment (WISE), Alexander Chrysanthou, business manager of International Association of Event Hosts (IAEH), Drew Naika, senior advisor of New Zealand Major Events (NZME), and Japan Sports Tourism Alliance (JSTA) President Harada Munehiko and others shared the innovative applications and event cases in the sports market in the Asia-Pacific region in the form of a forum, discussing how to achieve cross-field international cooperation, pay attention to the implementation of sustainable development in the sports industry, and grasp the new development trends of the times.

The SA stated that hosting international sports events is an important channel for Taiwan to participate in international sports affairs, to demonstrate its competitive sports power, and to raise its international profile. These events also provide a platform for showcasing the country's strengths in culture, tourism, science, and technology etc. After the pandemic ended, international sports exchange activities have rapidly returned to normality. The SA has assisted in organizing more than 90 international events in Taiwan this year, with a total of about 80,000 participating athletes, including about 30,000 foreign athletes. The SA thanked to the sports event organizing units for their contributions to these international sports events. The SA will continue to assist sports event organizing units in the future, collaborate with various agencies to enhance international sports events in Taiwan, and further develop and shape the Taiwanese sports event brand.

The SA presented certificates of appreciation at the meeting to thank the organizing units of this year’s competitions, the lecturers of the online courses and the cooperating international organizations, including IAPS, JSTA, Asian Association for Sports Management (AASM), and the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission (GCSC); it also commended the winning teams in this year’s Fun Sports Hackathon Creative Competition, bringing the event to a perfect end.

(圖)(附件照片1)1121117-1-Deputy Director-General Hung, Chih-Chang, Sports Administration welcomes everyone to attend.

(附件照片1)1121117-1-Deputy Director-General Hung, Chih-Chang, Sports Administration welcomes everyone to attend.

(圖)(附件照片2)1121117-1-The 2023 Sport Event Taiwan (SET) Workshop Exchange Seminar group photo.

(附件照片2)1121117-1-The 2023 Sport Event Taiwan (SET) Workshop Exchange Seminar group photo.

(圖)(附件照片3)1121117-1-The SA presented certificates of appreciation at the meeting to thank the organizing units of this year’s competitions.

(附件照片3)1121117-1-The SA presented certificates of appreciation at the meeting to thank the organizing units of this year’s competitions.

(圖)(附件照片4)1121117-1-Experts and scholars from various countries shared the innovative applications and event cases, pay attention to the implementation of sustainable development in the sports industry, and grasp the new development treds of the times.

(附件照片4)1121117-1-Experts and scholars from various countries shared the innovative applications and event cases, pay attention to the implementation of sustainable development in the sports industry, and grasp the new development treds of the times.

(圖)(附件照片5)1121117-1-Experts and scholars from various countries shared the innovative applications and event cases, pay attention to the implementation of sustainable development in the sports industry, and grasp the new development of the times.

(附件照片5)1121117-1-Experts and scholars from various countries shared the innovative applications and event cases, pay attention to the implementation of sustainable development in the sports industry, and grasp the new development of the times.

(圖)(附件照片1)1121117-1-Deputy Director-General Hung, Chih-Chang, Sports Administration welcomes everyone to attend.
(圖)(附件照片2)1121117-1-The 2023 Sport Event Taiwan (SET) Workshop Exchange Seminar group photo.
(圖)(附件照片3)1121117-1-The SA presented certificates of appreciation at the meeting to thank the organizing units of this year’s competitions.
(圖)(附件照片4)1121117-1-Experts and scholars from various countries shared the innovative applications and event cases, pay attention to the implementation of sustainable development in the sports industry, and grasp the new development treds of the times.
(圖)(附件照片5)1121117-1-Experts and scholars from various countries shared the innovative applications and event cases, pay attention to the implementation of sustainable development in the sports industry, and grasp the new development of the times.