2011/2012 Project for the Promotion of Nationwide Woodball in Schools of all Levels


2011/2012 Project for the Promotion of Nationwide Woodball in Schools of all Levels

Source:Sports Administration, Ministry of Education


2011/2012 Project for the Promotion of Nationwide Woodball in Schools of all Levels

Department in Charge

National Taiwan Sport University




1.       Hold a information meetingon promotion of woodball

2.       Hold a information meetingon implementing the woodball activities and demonstration event

3.       Establishment of woodball clubs in schools of all levels

4.       Woodball demonstration event and regional contests nationwide


To enhance the knowledge, skills, and interest of students in woodball activities and promote woodball as a sport in schools of all levels, the ministry has commissioned theNational Taiwan Sport University to organize the 2011/2012Project for the Promotion of Woodball in Schools of all Levels Nationwide in order to popularize and spread woodball sportin Taiwan

Task list

(a)     Organizing a meeting for the promoting and implementation of woodball
Hold a information meetingfor the first stage of the promotion/implementation of woodball

(1)     Event: 1-day meeting

(2)     Agenda:Explanation of the implementation methods for all program items to initiate the planning and coordination of matters pertaining to the promotion of the program

(3)     Participants:Invitation of city and county government representatives

Information meeting for the second stage of the promotion/implementation of woodball and demonstration event (10 cities/counties and schools)
(1)    Event: Hold a 1-day information meeting and demonstration  


(2)    Participants: Representatives from schools from 10 cities/counties that are willing to organize woodball activities are dispatched by city/county governments to participate in the information meeting and attend the demonstration event to facilitate the promotion of the program.

(3)   Agenda: 10 city/county governments dispatch 6 elementary school woodball coaches, 4 junior high woodball coaches, 2 senior high woodball coaches, and one university woodball coach (on behalf of the MoE) for a total of 130 coaches. Upon participation in the demonstration event and passing of a test, they will be presented with a teacher training certificate and a Class C Woodball coaching certificate. The list of coaches is submitted to the city and county governments to serve as a reference for the selection of instructors for clubs that promote woodball as a sport.

(b) Establishment of woodball clubs in schools of all levels
1.    Event date: September to December
2.    Agenda:Establishment of 130 school woodball clubs with coaches who have participated in the information meeting and activities serving as instructors for the woodball clubs. Each club will receive subsidies covering the salary for four hours of coaching as well as part of the expenses for woodball gear. Each club is required to organize one intra-school and one inter-school contest to actively promote and popularize woodball as a sport on our campuses
3.    Participants: Students of all levels who display an interest in woodball
4.    Location: Woodball clubs in schools of all levels
(c) Organization of woodball demonstration events and nationwide regional contests
1.Event: 3-day activities
(1)Demonstration event:Conducted by university students
(2) Nationwide woodball contests in schools of all levels
3.Participants:School woodball clubs