Annual Report on Physical Education Statistics


2009 Annual Report on Physical Education Statistics

Source:School Physical Education Division

 The Department of Physical Education was established in 1973. Through the societal changes and the organizational revolution, the development of physical education in schools has been always the main focus; in other words, we devoeted ourselves for over 30 years in nurturing students’ athletic ability and appreciation sense. Since 2004, in order to improve the the evaluating and making of sport policies, we started to collect basic data of sport facilities and gyms, course development, physical activities, sport teams and sport related human capital. 「Nation Taiwan Mormal University R&D Certer」 is our cooperative partner, dealing with the whole mission of collectin data. The report of the 98th academic year is the sixth edition. In integrating Ministry of Education’s policies and measures, the report adds surveys on sport counseling, sport participation, sport clubs teachers human resource and “the sport class”. Though this comprehensive collection of sport data, we hope to provide the academic research groups and policy making institutes with strong references. The age of Physical Education teachers in elementery schools ranged from 30 to 39 year-old, their working years from 6 to 16 years, indicating that P. E. teachers mainly are young.The age of P. E. teachers in junior and senior high schools ranged from 30 t0 39 year-old and their working years are under 10. Compare to those in the elementary schools, those in junior and senior high schools are younger. Teachers of P. E. profession in colleges ranged from 40 year-old to 49 year-old, the median of their teaching years locate around 11 years to 16 years. In the sport coaches, male coachers are four times larger than female ones (4:1). As in its professional structure, in elementary schools only 44.24% of sport coaches were graduated from sport related academic background; however, in junior/senior high schools and in colleges, coaches of sport related background had reached 90% and 96.49% respectively. About athletic stadiums, 58.63% of elementary schools have track facilities and 84.45% of which have field facilities, and respectively 59.76% and 72.49% of the junior high schools, 59.63% and 81.16% of the senior high schools, 68.9% and 88.41% in colleges. 35.42 % of elementary schools, 51.13% of junior high school, 64.18% of senior high schools and 78.05% of colleges have gyms. Basically, as the level of schools get higher, the more gyms they have. Generally speaking, basketball courts and track facilities are the most sport fields in every school(above 80%), field facilities is the second place (59.3%), sport gym is the third (43.79%). The average sport space owned per student are 11.18 square meters in the elementary schools, 7.43 square meters in junior high schools, 3.84 square meters in senior high schools, and 4.96 square meters in colleges. As the level of schools gets higher, the sport space owned per student get smaller, also differences between counties and cities exist. In the adapted sport, total 875 schools, around 20.66% of the schools have courses in adapted sports (special schools exclusive). Of which 478 are elementary schools, 252 are junior high schools, 88 are senior high schools and 57 are colleges.25% of special education classes were having P. E. class with normal students. As the level of schools gets higher, the fewer special students have P. E. class with normal students. Teachers of the adapted sports courses, 33.81% were from department of special education in elementary schools; 61.02% were from sport related departments in junior high schools, 75.15% in senior high schools, and 92.48% in college.