

國際運動資訊摘譯 2016-5-2

  • 資料來源:國際及兩岸運動組
  • 更新日期:2019/03/22
  • 點閱:3317

1. 里約奧運部分工程因安全疑慮暫時停工 <2016里約奧運>

2. 日本否認2020申奧行賄報導 <2020東京奧運>

3. 索羅門群島獲得2023年太平洋運動會主辦權 <賽事申辦訊息>

4. 亞洲高爾夫巡迴賽堅守其獨立性 <運動組織動態>

5. 法國公布2016歐洲國家盃球迷區高度維安計畫 <賽事籌辦進度>

6. 澳洲單項運動總會若違反兒童保護規定 將被禁止參加奧運 <運動組織動態>

7. 香榭麗舍大道成為行人徒步區 提供巴黎市民更多運動空間 <運動政策參考>

8. IPC採取較奧運嚴格的措施 選手必須完全遮蓋紋身 <運動組織動態>

9. WTF實施品勢項目世界排名 <運動規則變革>

10. IOC鼓勵ARISF利用奧林匹克頻道增加旗下運動曝光 <運動組織動態>



1. 里約奧運部分工程因安全疑慮暫時停工 <2016里約奧運>

aroundtherings網站2016/05/10報導巴西勞動就業部(Ministry of Labour and Employment) 基於安全考量,停止奧林匹克公園電視塔及奧運選手村公共區域2項興建工程,爭取時間重新審視工人安全守則。勞動就業部區域負責人Robson Leite向巴西媒體表示,並非刻意拖延工程進度,停工是為確保民眾、工人及所有即將造訪里約遊客的安全。上述2項興建工程分別在里約熱內盧市府及2016里約奧運籌委會的管轄下,市府在聲明中表示,將依循勞動就業部的決定,並積極合作,期望盡快復工。里約奧運籌委會發言人表示,籌委會已與勞動就業部討論新的興建工程安全計畫,希望在近日內做出決定。


2. 日本否認2020申奧行賄報導 <2020東京奧運>

reuters 網站2016/05/12報導。英國衛報(The Guardian)爆料指出,日本為成功申辦2020奧運,東京申奧小組匯入130萬歐元至前國際田徑總會(International Association of Athletics Federations, IAAF)主席Lamine Diack之子在新加坡帳戶。日本內閣官房長官菅義偉(Yoshihide Suga)對此報導表示不知情,並相信日本申奧過程一切合法,若法國當局需日方配合調查,日本將全力配合。

國際奧會(International Olympic Committee, IOC)表示正與法國司法當局聯繫,道德規範官員將持續瞭解申奧過程中是否有不法行為。東京2020籌委會發言人小野日子(Hikariko Ono)表示,相信東京是因提案內容優異而申奧成功。東京籌辦奧運紛擾不斷,包括捨棄原先的奧運主場館設計,以及奧運標誌剽竊醜聞等。


3. 索羅門群島獲得2023年太平洋運動會主辦權 <賽事申辦訊息>

insidethegames網站2016/05/11報導。索羅門群島(the Solomon Island)擊敗強敵大溪地(Tahiti),獲得2023年太平洋運動會(Pacific Games)主辦權,該決議是由22個太平洋運動會理事會(Pacific Games Council , PGC)會員國於萬那杜舉行的會員大會中決定,這將是索羅門群島首次舉辦該項賽事。人口不到60萬的索羅門群島,將成為繼斐濟、新喀里多尼亞、巴布亞新幾內亞、法屬波里尼西亞、薩摩亞、關島和東加之後,第8個舉辦四年一度太平洋運動會的太平洋島國。



4. 亞洲高爾夫巡迴賽堅守其獨立性 <運動組織動態>

bangkokpost 網站2016/05/12報導。亞洲高爾夫巡迴賽(Asian Tour)最高負責人Kyi Hla Han表示,與歐巡賽的聯盟不能損害其獨立及完整,無論結盟與否,亞巡賽的首要任務是為亞洲球員提供競賽機會,球員也一致認為亞巡賽必須獨立完整,Kyi Hla Han的發言顯然排除與歐巡賽全面合併的可能。前亞巡賽執行長Mike Kerr在任期間支持亞、歐兩大巡迴賽,在會員組織與商業利益層面合併,並共同打造震撼高球界的「超級」巡迴賽。

有別於前任,Kyi Hla Han提出策略夥伴關係的概念,為亞洲球員開拓更多機會,為選手成為世界級好手鋪路。Kyi Hla Han表示,亞巡賽最重要的利益關係人就是選手,與選手維持良好溝通是第一要務,同時與歐巡賽的商討仍持續進行,策略夥伴關係旨在增加雙方球員出賽機會,並為亞洲球員創造更大機會、提升其球技和心態,達到新的水準。


5. 法國公布2016歐洲國家盃球迷區高度維安計畫 <賽事籌辦進度>

bangkokpost 網站2016/05/10報導。巴黎市長Anne Hidalgo表示,2016年歐洲國家盃球迷區鄰近艾菲爾鐵塔,面積約30座足球場,可容納9萬名球迷。在6月10日至7月10日賽事期間將採最高維安標準,全面設置路障、雙重入口管制,在重點出入口進行搜身、金屬探測、掃除地雷、影像監視等控管作業,並有400名私人保安人員部署在球迷區周圍協助警方。



6. 澳洲單項運動總會若違反兒童保護規定 將被禁止參加奧運 <運動組織動態>

insidethegames 網站2016/05/07報導。在主席John Coates推動下,澳洲奧會(Australian Olympic Committee)祭出嚴格新措施,澳洲各單項運動總會若不遵守兒童虐待防治新規定,旗下運動員將無法代表澳洲參加奧運。所有單項運動總會必須採行保護兒童政策,才能提名奧運選訓名單,任何無法遵守上述規定的運動總會,將喪失選派運動員參加奧運的機會,包括今年的里約奧運。

John Coate曾公開表示,兒童受虐問題應與運動禁藥問題等同視之,兒童虐待防治規定反映了先前施行的反禁藥政策,並致函里約奧運籌委會主席Carlos Nuzman,敦請巴西拒絕聘用Scott Vokers擔任巴西國家游泳隊教練,因為Vokers曾於1980與1990年代被指控虐待年輕游泳選手,但相關指控並未成立,Vokers也未曾因此遭定罪。


7. 香榭麗舍大道成為行人徒步區 提供巴黎市民更多運動空間 <運動政策參考>

aroundtherings 網站2016/05/08報導。為了提升地方環境、提倡健康生活,巴黎政府發起了一項創新計畫,讓巴黎標誌性的香榭麗舍大道成為行人徒步區,也是此計畫的一部分。每個月的第一個週日,從上午11:30至晚上8:00,香榭麗舍大道將搖身變成行人徒步區,巴黎市中心18個區的街道,也將在夏季的週日及法定假日成為行人徒步區,其他季節也有12個區會繼續執行,民眾可在街道上健走、慢跑、騎自行車或從事其他運動。

這個由巴黎市長Anne Hidalgo打造的創新計畫,不僅推動環保與健康生活,更展現巴黎市為居民與遊客創造永續生活方式,發展創新解決方案的決心。近日在巴黎市中心舉行的電動車環保公路賽,再次彰顯了巴黎當局倡導運動的前瞻思考及長遠措施。此外,巴黎2024申奧籌委會,今年5月也與世界自然基金會(World Wildlife Fund)成為策略夥伴,確保巴黎申奧以及該市的奧運計畫能以最佳實務方法落實永續發展。


8. IPC採取較奧運嚴格的措施 選手必須完全遮蓋紋身 <運動組織動態>

reuters 網站2016/05/06報導。英國金牌游泳選手克雷格(Josef Craig)上週參加國際帕委會歐洲游泳錦標賽(IPC European Chamionship)時,因身上的奧運五環及代表隊獅頭圖樣紋身,遭大會取消參賽資格。國際帕拉林匹克委員會(International Paralympic Committee)表示,克雷格違反了「不允許任何形式之身體廣告(包括紋身與標誌)」的規定,且克雷格的刺青與正在參加的IPC賽事,與代表奧運的五環完全無關。

許多奧運金牌選手,包括屢破紀錄的名將菲爾普斯(Michael Phelps)等選手,身上都有奧林匹克紋身,甚至有美國選手以2.18萬美元價碼將手臂上長約9吋的空間,賣給美國奧運與帕運代表隊贊助商AT&T電信公司的對手T-Mobile。國際奧會發言人表示,奧運期間任何產品廣告的紋身,都必須以膠帶或貼布遮蓋,選手身上與商業無關的紋身則無需覆蓋。但IPC將採取更嚴格的標準,發言人Craig Spence表示,選手必須遮蓋身上的刺青,始能參加IPC賽事,這套標準同樣會套用在2016里約帕運會。


9. WTF實施品勢項目世界排名 <運動規則變革>

insidethegames網站2016/05/12報導。世界跆拳道聯盟(World Taekwondo Federation, WTF)宣布,將在6月奧地利公開賽中,首次實施品勢(poomsae)項目的世界排名制度,促使品勢項目持續進步,並維持高水準的競賽。品勢是由個人或團隊示範一系列防禦動作組合,而非對打競賽。在此排名制度下,選手將依賽事等級,獲得不同積分。賽事等級由低至高依序為G-1、G-2、G-4、G-8,在G-8等級賽事中,選手可獲得的積分最多。

6月18、19日奧地利跆拳道品勢公開賽(Austrian Taekwondo Poomsae Open)為G-1等級賽事,9月29日至10月2日於祕魯首都舉行的世界跆拳道品勢錦標賽(World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships)則為G-8等級,今年7月於峇里島舉行的首屆世界沙灘跆拳道錦標賽(World Beach Taekwondo Championships),品勢也是競賽項目之一。WTF主席趙正源(Chungwon Choue)表示,世界排名制度將為品勢帶來活力和競賽張力,各賽事的種子序列將以選手的積分為依據。


10. IOC鼓勵ARISF利用奧林匹克頻道增加旗下運動曝光 <運動組織動態>

insidethegames網站2016/05/09報導。國際奧會承認之單項運動協會(Association of IOC Recognised International Sports Federations, ARISF)與國際奧會(International Olympic Committee, IOC)上個月在國際單項運動總會聯合會(SportAccord)年會期間,舉行了歷史性的會面,IOC主席、4位副主席及IOC高階管理人員全員到齊,ARISF方面也由主席Raffelle Chiulli親自領軍,雙方更史無前例召開聯合研討會。

研討會議程的重點包括:道德、守法、廉潔、治理、賽事操控防治、誠信投注情報系統(Integrity Betting Intelligence System),IOC更建議ARISF多加利用奧林匹克頻道(Olympic Channel),發展旗下的運動種類。使更多運動獲得認可,是IOC與ARISF雙方合作發展計畫的宗旨,同時也是研討會的主軸之一。ARISF表示,儘管擔憂奧運與非奧運運動之間的差距不斷擴大,此次的會面仍展現出雙方關係近年持續加深。IOC更同意ARISF可有35個會員運動組織參加國際奧會年會 (IOC Session)及里約奧運。

賽事期間 賽事名稱 辦理地點 主辦單位
06/02 2019亞洲盃足球附加賽 高雄國家體育場 中華民國足球協會
06/02-06/04 2016第3屆臺灣國際自由車場地經典賽 新竹市立自由車場 中華民國自由車協會
06/05 新北翡翠灣ASTC亞洲盃暨全國鐵人三項錦標賽 新北翡翠灣 中華民國鐵人三項運動協會
06/12-06/19 2016國際女子職業網球錦標賽 高雄陽明網球中心 中華民國網球協會
06/13-06/19 2016年安麗益之源盃世界女子花式撞球錦標賽 會外賽:新北市集賢撞球運動館
06/15-06/19 2016年第6屆海峽兩岸棒球對抗賽 臺中市洲際棒球場、臺灣體育運動大學棒球場、臺中金龍棒球場、臺中萬壽棒球場 中華民國棒球協會
06/17-06/19 2016年第6屆東亞空手道錦標賽及第5屆東亞青少年空手道錦標賽 國立中壢高級商業職業學校 中華民國空手道協會
06/21-06/27 2016澎湖島帆船週系列賽 澎湖縣山水漁港 中華民國帆船協會

ø 主辦單位保有賽事變更權利,各項賽事資訊請洽主辦單位確認


 附件1. Safety Concerns Halt Work At Olympic Venues

Safety Concerns Halt Work At Olympic Venues
The Brazilian Ministry of Labor and Employment has halted work at the Olympic Park and Olympic Village over safety concerns.
Two projects, digging for a project in the common area of the Athlete’s Village and the building of a TV tower in the Olympic Park, were halted by the ministry so they could review the safety protocols for workers on the project.
The announcement comes with less than 90 days until the Olympic Games are set to begin, and a week after a report from the Ministry of Labor and Employment showed that 11 workers have died on Olympic projects in Rio. Last month, a bike path built as an Olympic legacy project collapsed killing multiple people.
"We have no intention of hampering the event," Robson Leite, the ministry's regional superintendent, told Brazilian media.  "We just want the safety of the population, the workers and all those who will visit Rio."
Work on the Athlete’s Village remains in control of Rio de Janeiro City Hall, while the TV tower construction is under Rio 2016 control. A statement provided to Around the Rings from city hall shows they are complying with the decision and working with the ministry authorities to resume work as soon as possible.
“The Geo-Rio Foundation is monitoring the execution of the common areas of the Athletes' Village, under construction by the Erwil Company,” the statement read.
“Two excavation points on the ground were isolated and a meeting will decide the necessary adjustments to the progress of works. The set of soft soil stabilization works and landfill will pave the 200 thousand square meters to receive the temporary structures of the areas of support, to be assembled by the Organizing Committee.”
A spokesperson from Rio 2016 told ATR they are aware of the decision were alerted to the need for a work stoppage by the ministry late last week. The spokesperson added the organizing committee met with the ministry on May 9 to discuss a new safety plan for the construction works, and they hope a decision on the matter is reached in the next few days.
Impeachment Vote Continues
The Brazilian Upper House will vote to confirm the lower house impeachment vote on May 11.
On May 9, the new lower house leader Waldir Maranhao annulled the original lower house impeachment vote. The decision caused a lot of confusion in Brazil, as both sides pondered the ramifications of the actions.
Eventually, Maranhao withdrew his decision, and the upper house vote will continue as planned. If the upper house votes to confirm the lower house decision, President Dilma Rousseff will have to step down from office for 180 days while a trial on her charges is conducted.

附件2. Japan denies report on 2020 Olympics payment, says bid was 'clean'

Japan denies report on 2020 Olympics payment, says bid was 'clean'
Japan on Thursday denied a report that its Tokyo 2020 Olympic bid team had paid 1.3 million euros ($1.48 million) as part of its efforts to host the Summer Games, saying it had won the bid cleanly.
The Guardian newspaper reported on Wednesday that the Tokyo team had made the payments to a Singapore bank account it said was linked to Papa Massata Diack, son of disgraced former IAAF President Lamine Diack.
Japanese chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference that he was unaware of the newspaper report.
"I am confident that our bid was conducted in a clean manner," Suga said, adding that should Tokyo be approached by French authorities on the matter, it would cooperate.
Diack is under a French police investigation for corruption at the IAAF, athletics' governing body. His son, believed to be in Senegal, declined to comment to the Guardian because of the investigation, the paper reported.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on Wednesday it had been in touch with French magistrates. An IOC spokesman said the group's ethics and compliance officer would continue to be in contact with French authorities to clarify any alleged improper conduct, while French prosecutors declined to comment.
Hikariko Ono, spokeswoman for the Tokyo Organising Committee for 2020, which is different from the bid committee that won the right to host the games, said the committee believes Tokyo won because it presented the best bid. Yasuhiro Nakamori, spokesman for the Japan Olympic Committee, agreed.
"We have not been asked any questions by the IOC on this matter," he added. JOC chief Tsunekazu Takeda was out of the country until the weekend.
Japan, which won the right to host the games over Istanbul and Madrid in 2013, has been beset by a number of woes over the Games, including scrapping its original design for the centerpiece Olympic stadium, which has delayed construction.
Last month it selected a new games logo after its previous one was withdrawn due to allegations of plagiarism.

附件3. Solomon Islands awarded 2023 Pacific Games

Solomon Islands awarded 2023 Pacific Games
The Solomon Islands have beaten off competition from Tahiti to secure the hosting rights for the 2023 Pacific Games, it was announced today.
The decision was taken by the 22 members of the Pacific Games Council (PGC) at the organisation's General Assembly in Vanuatu.
The margin of victory was reportedly a single vote.
It represents a shock result as Tahiti were considered the strong favourites to land the event, with PGC executive director Andrew Minogue telling insidethegames at last year's edition of the Games that they would be "tough to beat".
The 2023 Pacific Games will be the first to ever be held in the Solomon Islands, made up of six major islands and 900 minor islands in Oceania, which hosted the inaugural Mini Games in 1981.
The nation, which has a population of less than 600,000, will be the eighth Pacific country to stage the quadrennial competition, following in the footsteps of Fiji, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, French Polynesia, Samoa, Guam and Tonga.
The decision of the PGC represents another blow to Tahiti, the largest island in French Polynesia, an overseas collectivity of France, after they also lost out to Tongan capital Nukuʻalofa in the race for the 2019 Games.
Both the Solomon Islands and Tahiti made their final presentations to the PGC's members during the second and final day of their General Assembly.
The delegation from the Solomon Islands included Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, who was granted special adjournment in Parliament for the trip, which came after the Government had promised to financially back their bid.
They have also promised to construct a brand-new National Stadium in capital city Honiara, the venue for the sporting events on the programme at the 2023 Pacific Games.
As part of the process, the PGC Executive Board, who do not have a vote in the selection of the host city, had conducted inspection visits to Tahitian capital Papeete and Honiara in March.
Tahiti were the first nation to declare interest in the event, which is growing in popularity both in Oceania and worldwide following the debuts of Australia and New Zealand at Port Moresby 2015.
It was thought their early announcement might count in their favour among the electorate and prompted Minogue to claim they had "laid down a marker".
The bidding process for the PGC's flagship competition was changed to give countries a seven-year period to ensure they are ready to host the event, a process which mirrors that of the Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games.

附件4. Asian Tour must keep 'independence' in Europe tie-up, says boss

Asian Tour must keep 'independence' in Europe tie-up, says boss
The head of Asia's biggest golf tour said a proposed alliance with Europe cannot compromise its "independence and identity", apparently ruling out a full-blown merger.
Asian Tour commissioner Kyi Hla Han told AFP that his top priority was providing playing opportunities for his players -- whether a tie-up went ahead or not.
"The players strongly believe the Asian Tour must retain its independence and identity," Han said in an email interview.
"The primary focus for the Asian Tour is to always ensure we continue to provide our members (players) with playing and earning opportunities as well as a career pathway, with or without partnerships with the other international tours."
The Asian and European bodies had previously talked about merging their playing memberships and business interests, creating a mega-tour with the potential to tilt golf's global landscape.
But Han's responses to AFP appear to rule out a full merger of the two tours, which former Asian Tour CEO Mike Kerr had backed before resigning late last year.
Instead Han talked about a "strategic partnership" with the European Tour to "enhance opportunities" for Asian players and create "a pathway" to global success.
Kerr's stance resulted in deep divisions among players, fearful of a takeover by their European counterparts.
In December, after Kerr's departure, the old Asian Tour board of directors, including former European Tour chief Ken Schofield, was ousted.
Four prominent Asian businessmen were voted in as non-playing directors, three board player members were also removed and Han was promoted from chairman to "interim Tour Commissioner".
- 'World-class players' -
The first priority for the new board has been "to establish better communications with our players who are the stakeholders," Han said.
He added, however, that talks with the European Tour were continuing.
"The proposed strategic partnership with the European Tour is meant to enhance playing opportunities for both (tours') members, which will subsequently create greater opportunities for our players to raise their game, ability and mindset and move onto the next level," Han said.
Han said he was encouraged by European Tour victories in the past month by South Korean youngsters Lee Soo-Min (Shenzhen International) and Wang Jeung-Hun (Hassan Trophy, Morocco).
"They have the potential to be world-class players," said Han, who believes Asia can win a second major soon to add to Y.E. Yang's 2009 US PGA crown.
"We have the talent and depth in Asian golf to see one of our players win a major championship in the very near future.
"Apart from (Hideki) Matsuyama, Kiradech (Aphibarnrat) and (Anirban) Lahiri, there are other established Asian stars like Thongchai Jaidee, An Byeong-Hun and K.T. Kim all in the world’s top 100, capable of contending and winning a major."
Han said that their success was an inspiration, along with Danny Willett's rise from outside the world's top 100 to winning the US Masters in less than 18 months, and Asian Tour order of merit champion Anirban Lahiri's fifth place at the 2015 US PGA.
"Players will realise that these guys are also Asian Tour players and they would start telling themselves, 'If they can do it, so can I,'" Han said.

附件5. High security' Paris Euro 2016 fan zone plan unveiled

'High security' Paris Euro 2016 fan zone plan unveiled
Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo said Monday the Euro 2016 fan zone in the French capital would be operated under the "highest standards of security" as it prepared to accommodate over 90,000 football supporters.
The Paris fan zone, the largest in France for this summer's European Championships, will be located in an area approximately the size of 30 football pitches close to the Eiffel Tower.
"The party has begun," said Hidalgo, with the start of the June 10-July 10 tournament just over one month away.
"The highest standards of security thus far" will be implemented to monitor and protect the site, which will be "completely barricaded" and subject to a "double access control system".
Systematic pat-downs, metal detectors, demining services and video surveillance will form part of the security operation while police will be supported by an additional 400 private security guards deployed around the site.
The government announced last month it was doubling the security budget for fan zones -- which are set to welcome up to eight million supporters in the 10 host cities across France -- to 24 million euros ($28 million).
France remains in a state of emergency in the wake of the coordinated series of shootings and bombings in Paris in November that killed 130 people in attacks claimed by the Islamic State group.
The Paris fan zone will feature eight giant screens and a "new dimension" 420 m2 (4,520 square feet) TV screen which will be erected in line with the Eiffel Tower. The venue will also be fully equipped with Internet access.
The venue will stage concerts on days without matches, with French DJ David Guetta kicking off the festivities on June 9 and British rock band Muse set to play there on June 28.

附件6. Australian sports face Olympic ban if they don't comply with child abuse measures

Australian sports face Olympic ban if they don't comply with child abuse measures
Australian athletes will be barred from their country's Olympic team if their sport does not comply with tough new rules designed to combat child abuse, it has been announced.
The strict measures have been introduced by Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) President John Coates, with all Federations now needing to adopt a child protection policy before they can nominate athletes for selection.
Any sport which does not comply will forfeit the right to send their athletes to the Olympics, including Rio 2016.
An AOC bylaw has been amended to read: "Only those National Federations that have adopted and implemented a Member Protection Policy with which they conform and comply may nominate athletes for selection to, or membership or continued membership of, any (Olympic) Team”.
“It is not negotiable," said Coates, who is also a vice-president of the International Olympic Committee.
"We will reject anyone whose sport has not implemented a child protection policy."
The measures come after Coates wrote to Brazilian counterpart Carlos Nuzman, the President of the Rio 2016 Organising Committee, asking Brazil not to employ Scott Volkers as coach of their swimming team.
Volkers was accused of abusing young swimmers in the 1980s and 1990s but charges were dropped and he was never convicted.
"We do not think he should be involved on the pool deck, in the Olympic village or at all in the Rio Olympic Games," Coates said to AAP.
Coates has previously stated the issue of child abuse should be placed on an equal footing with illegal doping in sport, with the child abuse measures mirroring anti-drugs policy which was previously brought in.
"We had 100 per cent take-up from our member sports on coercive powers [in doping] and I am confident we will get the same result with these child protection measures,” Coates said.
"Every sport in Australia has to comply with the World Anti-Doping Code, why shouldn’t the same importance be placed on child abuse?
"This matter is urgent, we are talking about the safety of young children."
Last month Coates appeared alongside AOC chief executive Fiona de Jong at the Royal Commission into Child Abuse in Sydney, which was chaired by Honourable Justice Peter McClellan.
The pair outlined measures put in place to protect young athletes from child abuse and McClellan voiced his frustration at the failure of Federal and State Governments to introduce a National Working with Children Check.
Coates added that athletes at Rio 2016 need to feel comfortable enough to report any incidents.
"If athletes in Rio don’t think they are being heard, they should go to the Chef de Mission, Kitty Chiller, or come to me," he said.
"I will be outside the Village but I am contactable.
"I think we’ve just got to nail this."
Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt is among a number of stars to back the It’s a Penalty campaign, which is designed to protect children from exploitation and abuse at August's Olympic Games in Rio.

附件7. Champs-Elyses pedestrianised as part of initiative enabling citizens to play more sport on city centre streets

Champs-Elyses pedestrianised as part of initiative enabling citizens to play more sport on city centre streets
The iconic Champs-Élysées in Paris was pedestrianised today between 11:30am and 8:00pm as part of a wider initiative enabling the public to use many city-centre streets to walk, run, cycle and play sport.
 The initiative, established by the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, who is also a key figure in Paris’ bid for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, will be implemented every Sunday and on bank holidays across 18 districts in the centre of Paris during the summer months. The programme runs across 12 districts throughout the rest of the year and going forwards, the Champs-Élysées will be pedestrianised on the first Sunday of every month.
The innovative project, designed to improve the local environment and promote healthy lifestyles, demonstrates the city’s commitment to innovative solutions that create a more sustainable way of living for residents and visitors.
Paris’ forward-thinking approach to promoting sport and sustainable practices was further highlighted recently when the city hosted the Visa Paris ePrix – a city-centre road race with environmentally friendly electric-powered cars.
Earlier this year, Tony Estanguet, Co-President of Paris 2024, also underlined the sustainable nature of the bid’s Games Plan and how this is fully integrated with the future environmental development of the city. Estanguet, who is a member of the IOC Sustainability and Legacy Commission, spoke at the Innovation of French Sport and the Climate summit during the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21) in Le Bourget, France, in December 2015.
 The Paris 2024 bid additionally formed a strategic partnership with the World Wildlife Fund [WWF] in France in May 2016 to ensure the bid and the city’s Games Plan implements best practice in sustainability.
Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, said:
“We are thrilled to expand this initiative to the iconic Champs-Élysées as part of the city’s sustainable vision and our ambition to see more citizens’ lead active, healthier lifestyles. Our aim is to present an Olympic and Paralympic project that works in total harmony with our city’s and nation’s long-term sports, economic, social and environmental strategies. Paris can become the model for other major cities in the way we promise to dedicate areas of the urban region to the promotion and development of sport and more specifically, Olympic sport.
Paris 2024 Co-Chairman, Tony Estanguet, said:
“We welcome the expansion of this fantastic initiative from the City of Paris that will help to change behaviours and encourage citizens be more active. Paris 2024 is a unique opportunity to return sport to the heart of our city and make it central to the lives of our citizens – reflecting a key goal of Agenda 2020. With innovative programmes like this alongside our new sports facilities in the inner city, Paris is ideally placed to help its communities make sport truly a way of life.”

附件8. No logo: Paralympians still face tattoo ban, main Games less strict

No logo: Paralympians still face tattoo ban, main Games less strict
Olympic athletes with tattoos are unlikely to be barred from the Rio Games, the International Olympic Committee said on Friday after a Paralympic swimmer with his team logo inked onto his chest was banned from a race.
British gold medalist Josef Craig was disqualified from a race at last week's IPC European Championships after failing to cover up the tattoo: the team's lion's head design above the Olympic rings.
The International Paralympic Committee said he had breached a rule stating "body advertisements are not allowed in any way whatsoever (this includes tattoos and symbols)."
It said Craig was displaying a logo of an event he was not competing in. The Paralympic Games are governed by a completely separate organization from the IOC and have their own logo.
Many champion athletes, including record gold medalists Michael Phelps, Missy Franklin and Ryan Lochte, have Olympic tattoos, and the IPC's ruling, three months before Rio, raised fears of potential bans.
But while any tattoos that advertise a product will need to be covered up - with blank tape or patches - in Rio, athletes at the main Games will be allowed to show others, an IOC spokesman said.
"The president is always excited to see athletes with the Olympic Rings," an IOC spokesman said. "Standing alone, the Olympic Rings are a great expression of appreciation of the Olympic Games and of the Olympic values."
"We take a common sense approach to tattoos whatever they are," he said.
That would mean personal tattoos such as the butterfly-covered back of Russian synchronized swimmer Anastasia Davydova at the 2012 London Games would be allowed.
For Paralympians though, the rules are tougher and Craig will have to cover his tattoo.
"The same rule would apply at the Paralympics in Rio. He would have to cover it up as Craig did for the remainder of the competition last week." IPC spokesman Craig Spence said.
One athlete who will be forced to cover up if he qualifies for the Olympics is American middle distance runner Nick Symmonds, who sells space on his skin for advertising.
The two-time Olympian, who covered up his tattoos during the 2012 Olympics, sold nine inches on his arm for $21,800 on Friday to the head of T-Mobile US, a rival of AT&T, an official sponsor of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic teams.
Symmonds said the U.S. Olympic Committee's and the IOC's rules banning advertising in venues and promotion by athletes during the Games was "antiquated".
"AT&T spends millions to be an official USOC sponsor. T-Mobile spends $21,800 for better exposure. Your ancient model is broken USOC!," Symmonds tweeted.
T-Mobile CEO John Legere said he had not yet decided what to inscribe on the runner's arm.
"Now that I’ve purchased a spot on 2x Olympian, @NickSymmonds’ arm, help me decide what the tattoo should be of! GO!," he asked followers on Twitter.

附件9. WTF to introduce poomsae world ranking

WTF to introduce poomsae world rankings
Poomsae world rankings are to be introduced for the first time during next month’s Austrian Open, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) have announced today.
Currently not on the Olympic programme, poomsae is a non-sparring event where individuals or teams perform a "sequence of movements arranged in a meaningful order in response to attacks from multiple imaginary assailants".
The decision to introduce the world rankings has been made in an effort to continue the evolution of the sport and ensure the very highest standard of competition, the WTF said.
Under the world ranking system, athletes will be allocated points based on where they finish in events, multiplied by the grading of the competition.
The lowest ranked grade will be a G-1 event, while there will also be G-2, G-4 and G-8 competitions, with the latter providing athletes with an opportunity to earn the highest number of ranking points.
“World rankings are integral to developing the quality of competitions as they ensure that the very best athletes compete against one and other,” said Chungwon Choue, WTF President.
They bring a new dynamic and an added sense of drama to the competitions as every world ranking point an athlete earns could be vital in the future.
“We are delighted that we have grown poomsae taekwondo around the world to an elite level where we can now introduce world rankings.”
The Austrian Taekwondo Poomsae Open, which will be held between June 18 and 19 in Vienna, has been awarded a G-1 ranking, with points awarded at the event helping to determine where athletes are seeded at future competitions.
This year’s World Taekwondo Poomsae Championships has been assigned the top G-8 ranking, with athletes due to compete in Peru’s capital Lima from September 29 to October 2.
Poomsae will be one of two taekwondo disciplines contested at the inaugural World Beach Taekwondo Championships in Bali in July, along with kyupka.
The WTF have previously expressed their hope that poomsae taekwondo could feature at the first edition of the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC) World Beach Games in San Diego in 2017.

附件10. ARISF encouraged to use Olympic Channel as way to increase exposure by IOC

ARISF encouraged to use Olympic Channel as way to increase exposure by IOC
Members of the Association of International Olympic Committee (IOC) Recognised Sports (ARISF) have been encouraged to embrace the Olympic Channel to further develop their respective sports following a meeting with the IOC.
The ARISF, led by Italian Raffelle Chiulli, held historic discussions with IOC President Thomas Bach, the four IOC vice-presidents and senior management during last month’s SportAccord Convention in Lausanne.
They then held a joint workshop, during which the Olympic Channel was one of several key points on the agenda along with ethics, compliance, integrity, governance, prevention of the manipulation of competitions and the Integrity Betting Intelligence System.
The development programme between the IOC and ARISF, which aims to get more sports recognised, also formed a key part of the workshop.
ARISF claim the meetings demonstrate how their relationship with their IOC counterparts has strengthened over the years despite concerns surrounding the widening gap between Olympic sports and non-Olympic sports.
This has been highlighted by the fact the IOC have agreed to give ARISF’s 35 members an increased presence at their Session in Rio de Janeiro this year as well as the Olympic Games themselves.
The IOC have offered accreditation to the Presidents of the sports who make up ARISF for the IOC Session in what represents a rare move, while heads of the respective governing bodies may also be accompanied by their secretary generals for the Olympic Games.
Olympic Broadcasting Services chief executive Yiannis Exarchos gave one of the most detailed updates about the channel, which is now not expected to launch until after the completion of Rio 2016, to date during the Convention.
Exarchos promised news shown on the Olympic TV Channel will be "independently produced" and not a communications tool for the IOC, while 650 pieces of video content are set to be produced in-house between January and August 2016.
This will be accompanied by commissioned content, with agreements having been drawn-up with 25 production companies spanning 14 countries.
More than 590 digital pieces - each lasting around 26 minutes - should be ready for launch, Exarchos said, adding up to 40 total hours.
The open discussions and the active participation at the second ARISF-IOC workshop held in Lausanne during the SportAccord Convention confirmed that such a forum highly contributes to strengthening the relationship between the ARISF members and the IOC,” an ARISF statement read.
“The workshop followed a historic first IOC-ARISF joint meeting between the IOC President, four vice-presidents and senior management, and the ARISF President and the full ARISF Council.
"Cooperation in key areas was addressed and will be further developed through annual joint meetings.”