

Sports Administration Newsletter #50 January 2017

  • 資料來源:教育部體育署
  • 更新日期:2019/04/18
  • 點閱:3570



【CAPTION】2017 Taiwan Football Premier League (Taipower in green and Tatung in blue)

Taiwan Football Aspiring to Go Pro Taiwan Football Premier League Kicks Off in Kaohsiung

On top of hosting the upcoming 2017 Taipei Universiade, this year will kick off a new era with the launching of the Taiwan Football Premier League, the top-ranked (first division) men's football league in Taiwan. Our men's national football team is currently ranked No. 157 in the world and No. 29 in Asia. Striving to increase our nation's international competitiveness in football, in 2016 the Sports Administration, Ministry of Education began actively assisting the Chinese Taipei Football Association (CTFA) coordinate efforts with corporate sponsors to establish the Taiwan Premier Football League. In addition to the two enterprise teams (Taipower and Tatung), the CTFA has also secured corporate sponsorship for 3 first division university teams (Fu Jen Catholic University, National Taiwan University of Sport, and Ming Chuan University) along with Royal Blues FC, Tainan City, and National Sports Training Center (NSTC) for a total of 8 teams.
There are 116 matches scheduled for the first season of the Taiwan Football Premier League at venues throughout northern, central, and southern Taiwan. In 2018, a second division football league will be launched, effectively putting a qualification system in place as we work towards the goal of establishing the Taiwan Super League by 2022. The formation of the Taiwan Football Premier League will lay the foundations for the ongoing future development of men's football in Taiwan. These initiatives will help to retain more homegrown footballers and attract broader corporate interest for supporting the development of football in Taiwan. Through these efforts we will be able to increase our nation's level of competitiveness, gain footing in Asia, and strive for our goal of making headway internationally.
Working to elevate our men's football competitiveness in preparation for the upcoming 2017 Taipei Universiade, in 2016 the Sports Administration hired Japanese nationals Kazuo Kuroda to serve as head coach and Hirata Yutaka as assistant coach, and Spanish national Auritz Oyaneder Gete as fitness trainer of our national football team. At the same time, continuing to assist the CTFA promote the Taiwan Football Premier League and their efforts to make the Taiwan Super League a reality by 2022.
Backed by the overwhelming support of enterprises, cities and counties governments, and universities, the Taiwan Football Premier League, our nation's top-ranked (first division) men's football league, kicked off its first match on January 7, 2017 at the Kaohsiung Stadium (World Games Stadium). Football fans are encouraged to come watch all of the scheduled matches and cheer for Taiwan's elite footballers.

體育署為備戰2017臺北世界大學運動會,提升男足參賽成績,自105年起聘請日本籍黑田和生教練、平田禮次教練及西班牙籍體能教練Auritz Oyaneder Gete前來參與我國足球訓練,爭取最佳參賽成績為首要目標。同時亦協助中華足協推動企業甲級足球聯賽外,進而朝2022年臺灣超級職業足球聯賽邁進。

 學生每週在校運動150 各校積極落實100%執行

<照片圖說>學生每週在校運動150 各校積極落實100%執行

【CAPTION】Schools nationwide are actively striving for 100% implementation of the SH150 Plan that ensures students exercise 150 minutes per week on campus.

Schools Energized for 100% Implementation of SH150 Plan
Since implementation of the SH150 Plan began in 2014, over the past two years the number of schools that have made arrangements outside of physical education class for students to exercise a minimum of 150 minutes per week on campus has increased from 18.14% to 74.68% (a 56.54% increase) and an additional 2,300 more schools are participating (there are a total of 4,103 schools at the high school level and below). This clearly shows that the benefits of exercise are indeed winning the support and recognition of schools and students alike. (Source: 2015 Statistical Report on School Sports, Physical Fitness, and Exercise)
Despite the fact that already two-thirds of schools are actively implementing this Plan, provisions in the National Sports Act stipulate 100% compliance ‒ "Schools at the High School Level and Below and the First Three Years of a Five-year Technical School Must Make Arrangements for Students, Outside of Physical Education Classes, to Participate in a Minimum of 150 Minutes Per Week of Daily Sports and Exercise Activities at School." As a means of assisting those schools that have not yet implemented this Plan get the process moving, the Sports Administration, Ministry of Education has selected the most successful and easily applicable modules for reference. The 4 main modules are as follows:
Module A ‒ Morning Exercise
Module B ‒ Break Time Exercise
Module C ‒ After School Exercise
Module D ‒ Mixed Module Exercise
Schools are encouraged to customize implementation of this Plan based on their unique situations and specific scenarios. For instance, if it is raining or the air quality index (AQI) is particularly high, then students can do calisthenics and stretching inside classrooms; or if there isn't enough space for all the students to exercise at one time, then students can divide up into groups. We believe that all it will take for us to actualize the SH150 goals is the simple desire to promote and a bit of effort to implement.

學生每週在校運動150 各校積極落實100%執行



CAPTIONTaiwan's sister doubles duo of Chan Hao-ching and Chan Yung-jan came through once again winning another Taiwan Open title.

WTA 2017 Taiwan Open Heated Up Taipei Arena During Chinese New Year Holiday

The WTA 2017 Taiwan Open took place from January 28 to February 5 at the Taipei Arena with over 20 elite players ranked in the WTA top 100 competing. Players included former singles and doubles champions, the current No. 1 and No. 3 ranked doubles player, a Grand Slam French Open champion, a Wimbledon runner-up, and some of world's most heralded up-and-coming tennis stars. This was the most star-studded lineup of players to ever compete together in a tournament held in Taiwan. A combination of beauty, strength, and skills were on full display, sweeping through Taiwan like a whirlwind over the 2017 Chinese New Year. Tennis fans were able to watch the world's top local and foreign tennis stars go head-to-head in exciting competition right here at home, experiencing the vibrant power and grace of world-class women's tennis over the holiday season.
The Taiwan Open, a WTA International Series Event, was held for the first time last year (2016) in Kaohsiung and was the highest level women's professional tennis tournament our nation had ever hosted. This year the Taiwan Open moved to Taipei with an unprecedented superstar lineup, inviting 21 of the world's top 100 women's singles players. These elite players included young Ukrainian superstar Elina Svitolina who is currently ranked No. 13 in the world, former world No. 1 Jelena Jankovic from Serbia, currently ranked No. 3 in doubles and the 2016 French Open doubles champion Caroline Garcia from France, the new WTA world No. 1 (as of January this year) doubles player Bethanie Mattek-Sands from the United States, and Japanese star Misaki Doi who is a familiar face here in Taiwan. Heading the lineup of local players were the superstar sister double's duo of Chan Hao-ching and Chan Yung-jan who came through once again winning the doubles title for Taiwan, the talented Kai-Chen Chang, the young star Ya-Hsuan Lee, and other wildcard participants. Our local women's tennis players were able to compete against the world's top players and show their competitive strengths in front of their home fans.
Hosting world-class international sporting events is one of the Sports Administration, Ministry of Education's main policy initiatives. These events attract top athletes from around the world, giving our athletes the opportunity to compete, learn, and elevate their level of play as well as invigorating enthusiasm for sports spectatorship. Aside from inviting a star-studded lineup of players to compete at the 2017 Taiwan Open, the organizers also put in a lot of work planning onsite and peripheral activities. This year's Taiwan Open utilized the Hawk-Eye system to assist in settling challenges on calls and installed a premier quality court surface that met all specification standards. These upgrades ensured this tournament was on a world-class level, providing players with luxurious venue accommodations and heightening the overall spectator and viewer experience. The 2017 Taiwan Open gave local tennis fans the chance to come face-to-face with their favorite tennis stars as lucky fans were able to spend some precious moments together with their tennis idols during autograph signing and fan interaction sessions. And to stimulate the interests of all ages and encourage spectator participation from the entire family, organizers also held a "kids tennis classroom" and a "kids reporter camp."
The organizers of this WTA Taiwan Open coordinated with the EasyCard Corporation to create a customized EasyCard as a special souvenir for the tennis players and also released a limited edition commemorative card package deal for tennis fans to purchase. This year's organizers hired a foreign broadcast production team to guarantee the highest quality broadcast that sent signals out to 120 countries, reaching hundreds of millions of viewers and generating possibly the highest international visibility of any sporting event Taiwan has ever hosted.

2017WTA臺灣公開賽 農曆春節臺北小巨蛋熱力開打
「WTA 2017臺灣公開賽」於1月28日至2月5日在臺北小巨蛋開打,邀請20名以上世界前百球星參賽,參賽者囊括世界單打雙打前球后、雙打現役世界第1及第3名、大滿貫法網冠軍和溫布敦亞軍得主,以及網球界最受矚目的新生代明星們,堪稱臺灣網球史上最豪華參賽陣容。參賽球星美麗與實力兼具,在2017春節期間網球的美麗旋風席捲臺灣,球迷們不必飛到國外就能親睹國內外網壇巨星風采和激烈對戰內容,體驗世界級的網球賽事,過個充滿力與美的熱血網球新年。
臺灣公開賽為WTA國際巡迴賽等級,去(2016)年首次落腳高雄,為我國歷來舉辦最高層級女子職業網球賽。今年,臺灣公開賽移師臺北,參賽球員陣容更是空前亮眼,邀請21位世界女單前百大頂尖好手來臺。本賽事邀請選手包括目前世界排名第13,WTA新世代巨星烏克蘭選手伊莉娜.斯維托莉娜 (Elina Svitolina)、塞爾維亞籍前世界球后耶萊娜.揚科維奇(Jelena Jankovic)、雙打世界第3,2016法網雙打冠軍法國選手卡洛琳.賈西亞(Caroline Garcia)、今年1月WTA最新雙打排名衝上世界第1的美國選手貝丹妮.瑪迪克(Bethanie Mattek),以及國人熟悉的日本球后土居美咲(Misaki Doi)等超級明星球員。國內球員方面,女雙地主代表詹詠然、詹皓晴共襄盛舉,不負眾望再次把雙打金盃留在臺灣;臺灣好手張凱貞、小將李亞軒,以外卡身份參賽,本土女將在臺灣觀眾面前,與來自世界的好手上演精采對決,展現實力。


<照片圖說> 基隆市國民運動中心(基隆市政府版權所有)

【CAPTION】An aerial view of the Keelung Civic Sports Center. (all rights reserved by Keelung City Government)

Keelung City Sports Center Opens

The Sports Administration continues providing local governments with assistance to construct civic sports centers. The 15th civic sports center – Keelung City Sports Center – began trial operations on January 15, 2017. The facility is equipped with a heated swimming pool, badminton courts, table tennis space, fitness center, aerobics classrooms, and a multi-purpose gymnasium. Professional fitness instructors are also onsite to teach exercise bike, yoga, and aerobics, offering a diversity of classes designed to get all types of people exercising. Striving to provide the public with a premium quality sports and recreational environment, the Sports Administration's “Improvement of National Sports Environment and Sports Island Establishment Plan” will assist in the construction of 30 civic sports centers in metropolitan areas nationwide. Civic sports centers have already opened in 15 locations ‒ New Taipei City's Luzhou, Tamshui, Sanchong, Chungho, Tucheng, Banchiao, Xin Wu Tai, Shulin, Yonghe, and Hsichih districts; Hsinchu City's Science and Industrial Park; Taichung City's Chaoma; Changhua County's Northern Changhua districts; Pingtung County's Pingtung City; and Keelung City. These facilities will provide the public with great venues to participate in sports and exercise and make the experience more enjoyable and rewarding.


 「騎鐵馬 遊臺灣」啟動記者會

照片圖說:「騎鐵馬 遊臺灣」啟動記者會

CAPTIONComing at you from the "Cycle & Tour Taiwan" media launch.

Great New Year's Exercise Choices "Cycle & Tour Taiwan" Together
Each year when the Chinese New Year's holiday festivities roll around, everyone gathers with family and friends to feast on all sorts of delicious delicacies. If not careful, it's easy to eat too many high calorie foods and those excess nutrients accumulate as fat that puts a "heavy" burden on the body. Exercise is the key ingredient to stay healthy over the New Year's holiday.
In 2015, the Sports Administration organized the “Taiwan Top 10 Bike Paths Selections” having the public choose their picks of Taiwan's most enjoyable bike paths. And in December 2016, the "Cycle & Tour Taiwan ‒ Top 10 Bike Paths Certified Cyclist" activity began. This "Certified Cyclist" and rewards activity is designed to encourage the public to experience the joy of cycling through the diversity of Taiwan's local culture, sports, recreation, food, family activities, ecology, and scenic spots.
Regardless men or women, young or old, cycling is a great way for everyone to burn off calories. The Sports Administration is also offering an independent cycling activity on 18 specified bike paths so the public can cycle during their free time, getting together with family and friends for a bike ride and enjoy the magnificent scenery. There will be a free lucky draw giveaway offering gifts and prizes, and to be qualified is only to sign up online before March 15 to become a "Certified Cyclist" and receive a free towel, medal, and certificate. After becoming a "Certified Cyclist" on at least one Top 10 Bike Path and fill out the questionnaire, then it’s eligible to participate in the lucky draw. The top prize is an All Nippon Airways (ANA) round-trip ticket from Taiwan to Japan and a professional level Merida bicycle. Register to participate on the "Cycle & Tour Taiwan" website (URL: //top10bikeguide.com.tw/). Let’s look forward to enthusiastic public participation and experience the joy of exercise together with "Cycle & Tour Taiwan".

年節運動好去處 全民參加「騎鐵馬 遊臺灣」
體育署繼104年舉辦由民眾票選出全臺灣最具有幸福感的「十大經典自行車路線」後,於105年12月起舉辦「騎鐵馬 遊臺灣-十大經典自行車路線體驗認證」活動,透過騎乘認證獎勵活動方式,體驗臺灣多元在地文化、運動、休閒、美食、親子、生態及奇景等特色,鼓勵全民投入自行車運動。
不論男女老少都能夠透過騎車來燃燒熱量,體育署針對十八條自行車道提供了自主騎乘的活動,民眾可依自己空閒的時間進行騎乘,賞風景又能與家人團聚,是一舉兩得的方式。另外也提供了免費的抽獎好禮,凡是於3月15日前上網登錄並完成騎乘體驗者,即可免費獲得體驗認證毛巾、獎牌及證書等精美好禮。而完成一條以上經典路線體驗認證並且完成問卷,更可加碼參加抽獎,最大獎可獲得全日空臺北日本來回機票以及美利達高級自行車等好禮,報名請上網搜尋「騎鐵馬 遊臺灣」(網址: http://top10bikeguide.com.tw/)。希望民眾踴躍報名參與,一齊騎鐵馬遊臺灣,享受運動的快樂。

Sport Terms


WTA 2017 Taiwan Open

WTA 2017臺灣公開賽

civic sports center


Cycle & Tour Taiwan

騎鐵馬 遊臺灣