

Sports Administration Newsletter #46 September 2016

  • 資料來源:教育部體育署
  • 更新日期:2019/04/18
  • 點閱:3724


CAPTIONOur nation's Lee Wan-ting won the gold medal in the women's beach kurash 57 kg event at the 5th Asian Beach Games 2016

5th Asian Beach Games 2016 Chinese Taipei Captured Gold in Women's Kurash 57 kg and Men's Doubles Beach Woodball
Our nation's athletes Wang Wan-yi, Hsiao Chia-hung, and Lee Wan-ting won gold medals in men's doubles beach woodball and women's kurash 57 kg events at the 5th Asian Beach Games held in Da Nang, Vietnam. Once President Tsai Ing-wen heard the news, she immediately sent them a message of congratulations for their spectacular performances.
Taiwan's men's doubles beach woodball duo Wang Wan-yi and Hsiao Chia-hung defeated a team from Thailand in the first match, moved on to beat China, and then captured the gold medal in a decisive 3:1 win over another team from Thailand. This was our nation's first gold medal at this year's Asian Beach Games. Lee Wan-ting entered quarterfinal competition in the women's kurash 57 kg event after beating a competitor from India and then made it to the finals after defeating a competitor from Vietnam where she defeated another Vietnamese challenger to capture the gold medal.
At this session of the Asian Beach Games our nation won 2 gold, 4 silver, and 10 bronze medals. Our nation's gold medal tally ranked 18th among all nations and our total medal count put us in 11th place overall.


2016 APEC首次體育高階政策對話會議開幕典禮貴賓合影

<照片圖說> 2016 APEC首次體育高階政策對話會議開幕典禮貴賓合影
CAPTIONParticipants pictured here at the Opening Ceremony of the First APEC Sports Event 2016: APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Education and Career Planning for Young Athletes.

First APEC Sports High Level Dialogue Successfully Convened September 1st
On September 1st the First APEC Sports Event 2016: APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Education and Career Planning for Young Athletes was held at Taipei. The self-funded program initiated by Chinese Taipei was approved by APEC Human Resource Development Working Group with endorsement from 6 other economies this May. Government officials, scholars and experts in the field of sports from APEC member economies gathered in Taipei to advance policy dialogue and shared their policies and best practices regarding the education and career planning of young athletes. More than one hundred local scholars and experts, students from sports-related academic departments, and representatives from various sports federations were in attendance to witness the first APEC meeting focusing on sports and the launch of the APEC Sport Policy Network.
There were 25 government officials along with senior scholars and experts from 14 APEC member economies ‒ Canada, Chile, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Peru, the Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, the United States, Vietnam, and Chinese Taipei ‒ participating in this Dialogue. A highlight of this Dialogue was keynote speaker Mr. Patrick Glennon, Sr. Vice President for Adecco, the world's largest international human resources service, who shared Adecco's experiences cooperating with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and providing career planning for athletes worldwide.
Ms. Hyunju Lee, Acting Head, Office on Sport for Development and Peace, United Nations shared the United Nations' ideas on athlete career development. In addition, Ms. Yi-Ting Shen, Secretary General, Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee; Dr. Ping-Kun Chiu, CEO, National Sports Training Center; and Dr. Chin-Hsung Kao, President, National Taiwan Sport University also discussed ways public-private partnerships can enhance career planning for young athletes.
The innovative APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Education and Career Planning for Young Athletes concluded with favorable reviews across the board. APEC member representatives also utilized the APEC Sport Policy Network to discuss the network's future mechanism and completed a policy compendium and network directory. The results report will be presented later this year in October at the APEC Education Ministerial Meeting held in Peru.
Next year Chinese Taipei plans on hosting Sport Policy Experts Group expanding the scope by inviting private industry, government officials, and scholars to write papers and publish newsletters that focus on sports topics. Thus, these ideas will be shared with APEC members and scholars and experts both locally and abroad.

教育部體育署於9月1日在台北福華大飯店舉行「APEC 青年運動選手教育及職涯規劃高階政策對話」會議,APEC各會員體中央體育行政官員及資深體育學者專家齊聚臺北,以青年運動選手職涯規劃為主題,進行政策對話及最佳範例分享,現場有超過百名學者專家、體育相關系所學生及我單項協會代表等參與,共同見證APEC首次辦理的運動專題會議及APEC運動政策網絡的啓動。
本次會議共有來自美國、加拿大、日本、韓國、菲律賓、印尼、馬來西亞、越南、泰國、新加坡、俄羅斯、智利、祕魯及我國等14個APEC會員體25位體育行政主管與資深學者與會。特別的是,此次會議邀請到全球最大的國際性人力資源服務公司「藝珂」集團副總裁Patrick Glennon,於會中分享藝珂與國際奧會(IOC)合作,針對世界各國運動員所做的職業生涯規劃服務的實務經驗。
另外聯合國和平與運動發展辦公室主任Hyunju Lee亦以聯合國代表身分與談,分享聯合國對於運動員職涯發展的想法。除此之外,中華奧林匹克委員會沈依婷秘書長、國訓中心邱炳坤執行長及國立體育大學高俊雄校長等亦受邀與談,討論如何透過公私協力強化青年運動選手職涯規劃作法。
由於明年我國即將主辦2017世界大學運動會,今日會議也特別安排臺北世大運宣傳時間,向與會者及各APEC會員代表宣傳相關活動,邀請各位明年再訪臺北一同共襄盛舉。「2016年APEC 青年運動選手教育及職涯規劃高階政策對話」會議,在與會者的好評中圓滿落幕,明年預計舉辦國際專家座談會議,將廣邀產、官、學代表針對體育議題撰寫文稿並發布電子報,與APEC會員及國內外專家學者分享。


CAPTIONAll together at the 2016 Sports Activist Awards commendation ceremony.

2016 Sports Activist Awards Commendation Ceremony Praising "Pushing Hands" Bringing Honor to Taiwan
The Sports Administration has been holding the Sports Activists Awards since 2009. This commendation ceremony is a way to express our respect and gratitude to enterprises, organizations, and individuals for their enduring, selfless contributions and enthusiastic promotion of sports development and also to encourage more people to become actively involved in the promotion of sports initiatives. This year marks the eighth consecutive Sports Activists Awards commendation ceremony. The Sports Activists Awards are divided into three categories: Sponsorship Award, Promotion Award, and Special Award. The Sponsorship Award and Promotion Award are further divided into the three classes of gold, silver, and bronze; the Sponsorship Award also includes the Long-Term Sponsorship Award whose evaluation criteria considers sponsorship amount and duration; and the Special Award is evaluated based on specific achievements and contributions. This year a total of 52 enterprises, organizations, and individuals were recommended representing a broad spectrum of fields and pursuits. After careful evaluation by the selection committee a total of 26 were chosen to receive awards, which consisted of 29 Sponsorship Awards and 10 Promotion Awards.
This year four enterprises Taiwan Electric Power Co., Ltd., Cooperative Bank Commercial Bank Co., Ltd., Cathay Life Insurance Company Limited, and Taiwan Land Bank Co., Ltd., were respective recipients of these three award categories: Sponsorship Award Gold Class, Sponsorship Award Long-Term Sponsorship Award, and Promotion Award Gold Class. Each recipient of this year's awards has shown an inspiring dedication and unwavering contributions to our nation's sports development. Whether it be corporate sponsorship and assistance or an individual volunteering time to help out at sports events, these are all invaluable and indispensable contributions that continue to spur the progressive development of sports in our nation.

105年體育推手獎表揚典禮─推手禮讚 光耀臺灣


CAPTIONNational Taipei University of Education "Pyramid" performance.

2016 SUPER STAR Sports Show "Sports Skills" x "Creative Performance" 9/9 National Sports Day Invigorated Sport for All
The Sports Administration, Ministry of Education hosted the SUPER STAR Sports Show with a blockbuster debut on September 3 at the Taipei Arena to unveil the lineup of activities taking place during the 2016 National Sports Day celebration. This show integrated "Sports Skills" x "Creative Performance," uniting athletes and entertainers to produce a unique display and provided a completely different perception of sports for the people of our nation.
Determined to offer a diversity of sports choices for the audience, the Sports Administration selected 10 different types of performances "aerobics," "artistic gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics," "table tennis," "Pyramid," "diabolo," "karate," "competitive cheerleading," "frisbee," "tug of war," and "martial arts and Song- Jiang Jhen Battle Array" for the evening shows on the main stage of the Taipei Arena. For these performances entertainers teamed up with athletes to captivate audience attention and motivate public interest in sports. We hope these performances continue building upon the enthusiasm from the recent Olympics, putting outstanding athletic performances on display and inspiring the entire population to make sports and exercise a vital part of our daily lives.

2016 SUPER STAR體育表演會
體育專業X創新表演 帶動九九國民體育日全民運動熱潮
教育部體育署主辦的SUPER STAR體育表演會9月3日於臺北小巨蛋重磅登場,揭開105年國民體育日系列活動序幕,並期透過「體育專業」X「創新表演」的模式,由運動員與藝人攜手激盪獨一無二火花,顛覆國人對體育運動的想像。


【CAPTION】The five Benchmark Schools of the 2015 academic year

School-Based Physical Education Curriculum Awards Ceremony
Physical education in schools does more than just train the body, it is an effective way of cultivating students' overall physical and mental development. It also establishes sports skills and cultivates regular exercise habits that can be developed throughout a lifetime. To promote sharing of physical education resources, encourage exchanges in physical education experience, and further improve the effectiveness of physical education instruction, the Sports Administration has organized the Benchmark School “School-based Physical Education Curriculum Selections” and the “PE Is Fun Physical Education Instructional Material and Teaching Aids” initiative. Evaluation criteria for the “School-based Physical Education Curriculum Selections” are determined by how school's developed and implement customized physical education curriculums based on their unique vision, environment, geography, and cultural characteristics. Evaluation criteria for the “PE Is Fun Physical Education Instructional Material and Teaching Aids” are determined by PE instructor creativity, topic integration, and course content enrichment. For 2015 there were 5 Benchmark Schools, 2 Potential Schools and 4 Selected Schools; and 8 Extraordinary, 17 Honorable, and 20 Good PE Courses.
This year awards were presented to 29 instructors who participated in a 15-hour physical education enhanced specialized training course, 24 classes of practical physical education instruction drills, and a 7-hour reflective workshop earning a “Movement Education Modules and Ball Sports Games Modules Physical Education Instruction Module Seedling Instructor Certificate”. Thanks to all of them for their desire to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the future, leading the way teaching physical education.
Deputy Minister of Ministry of Education Ching-Hwa Tsai explains: "The Ministry of Education approves this year's award-winning schools and instructors for their dedication and contributions to physical education. We hope that this award ceremony will serve as a platform to commend and publicize the unique physical education course content in schools throughout our nation courses that inspire creativity and enthusiastic input of physical education instructors. I would also like to thank all of the physical education instructors for their ongoing dedication to this discipline."



Sport Terms


Sports Activist Awards


School-based Physical Education
Curriculum Selections
